Chapter 1 (Part 1: The cat in love.

Hello, ladies and gentleman! Fish men and mermaids! and all living beings present here!
My name is Lacach Catslove, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.
I know my name is different from my username, but I got confused when creating my account! Or, I was drunk… I don’t remember.
I’m one of the Fives crew. I don’t know if our crew’s name is that, but I call it that because no one has decided on a name yet.
I am the first deputy of this crew, and the most beautiful, after Miss Liliana, of course.
You must be confused now. "Who are you?", "Who is Liliana?", "How did you become a pirate?"
Don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything!

Right, right. Let’s start with my description.

I’m currently 1.45 tall, with blonde hair, with blue spots after some experiments I tried.
I have orange spots on my head, on both sides of my face, as well as a small spot on my right eye.
My tail is medium, 60 centimeters, and the same color as the rest of my body, just without the blue spots.
My right paw has a tattoo of a sharp, red blade. The Tattoo is on the top of my paw.

Now, history!

It all started with a new mission I was ordered to do: kill a slave trader.
"More money for me, mmm?" I said to myself, as I ran down alleys, over houses and hid behind trees, as I was heading towards my target for the day.
It took me a while, I think an hour, to arrive at the merchant’s large residence. The door was open so it was easy to break in, haha.
"(This job will be the easiest ever, hehe!)" I thought, while smiling.
I prepared myself, and started using all my skills as an assassin. I climbed to the ceiling, using ropes to get into a good position without falling, and crawling slowly so no one could see me.
Finally I reached my target. His back was turned to me, so I just slowly got off the roof, and was approaching him. So… Baaang!
I fell into a trap that I didn’t notice, and a rope pulled me, leaving me upside down. A dagger fell out of my pocket, along with some coins I had.
"Oh, no…" I said to myself, as the man turned to face me.
"Hahaha, it fell right in, like a mouse in a trap!" The annoying old man said, while laughing in my face.
"Bleeeh for you." I stuck my tongue out at him.
He looked at me in a more analytical way, then his eyes started to shine, and I swear I saw gold coins in his eyes.
"Oh my, I’m rich now!" He screamed
"Guards, guards! Damn it, guards!" Now he had anger in his voice.
Soon, several guards arrived, so he ordered to lock me in a room.
He also ordered that I should not be allowed to escape under any circumstances.

I ended up actually being taken to a room, where I was thrown, and the door was locked.I actually tried to open the door, but ropes in my paws are horrible, and the door was too far away.

As the days went by, people came to bathe me, brush my beautiful hair, and feed me.
It was a good, fun, easy life. Except being abused by some men. Yes, they were all naughty or almost all of them.
But the best part was the women! Being brushed by them, receiving compliments, it was such a good feeling, meowwwww…
One day, I heard some people talking about something interesting…
"Hey, did you know he’s a Soner?" The first voice said.
"A Soner? You’ve got to be kidding me." The second person said.
"No, seriously, the boss said it. And he said it’s worth a lot of money!" The first voice said again, now with a voice of happiness.
"He’s also going to be auctioned off, that’s why he’s been looked after so well from what I’ve been told."
"Cool…" *Walking away*
The voices continued talking, but they were walking away, which prevented me from continuing to listen.
"So, they think I’m a Soner…" I said.
"How interesting… That explains my luck!"

My life was like this for a few days, when I was finally freed by a beautiful and wonderful elf.
She led me out of the room, allowing me to follow her. I held this lady’s hand, and we walked to a grand kitchen, where here, she allowed me to eat whatever I wanted. I really ate a lot of things, almost everything. Fish, bread, cakes, meat, and even lots of wine.
It was my lucky day. Have I ever told you how lucky I am?
Then the beautiful lady took me out of there. I thought I would be free again because we were on a street. We went to a room across the street only, unfortunately.
Inside the room, she told me she wanted to give me a gift. I accepted very happily!
"Now, close your eyes please kitten." She said, in a sweet, angelic voice.
"S-sure!" I said, happy and jumping.
"Now, hold out your hand…" She said.
"But I don’t have hands, I have paws, miss. Hehe" I smiled
"How cute, but please put your paws forward." She smiled.
I put my paws in front of me, and…
At the same time, an icy sensation touched my right arm, and I became confused. I opened my eyes, and I was now handcuffed to an iron pillar.
"B-but hey…" I said, scared but still happy to be by her side.
"Now stay there until it’s time for the auction, haha." She laughed, and left the room, locking the door.
"Don’t let him get out of there, understand?" The same lady said, outside.
"Damn… Fooled again… At least I held her hand!" At that moment my eyes still had hearts, showing that I was in love.
"Now, how do I get out of here…" I said, thinking about how to do this.
"Plin! I know…"
I used one of my paw nails that was still loose, and tried to open that cuff,and I managed it very easily. The issue now was that there were probably a lot of guards outside. And even though I was lucky, beautiful, and incredible, I wouldn’t be able to fight all of them.
So, I put the cuff on my wrist again, and sat there.
"If they don’t check the cuffs, I’ll still be fine to escape as soon as I get a chance." I smiled.

Well, we’re done here. There’s still more from this first chapter, of course. But I need a break because my captain is calling me, and I need a drink. I’ll ask Liliana to write her part, what she did, and how she got to where I am, and then I’ll publish it here, okay?
What was the moral of the story?
Never trust people right away? No!
Never drink too much before work? Neither!
The right answer is: Never carry half your money in your pocket all the time, and enjoy every minute with these incredible ladies that appear, especially if they have tails!

I hope you enjoyed it, and take care!


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