Chapter 1 (Part 2): A little adventure across the seas and the 2 drunks

Hey, it’s me again!
I know I know. I didn’t post anything for a while, but my guild boss is a girl stealer and is becoming very rude as time goes by. Old junk.
But I came back here and I will continue based on what Liliana told me, how she arrived on our island, and ended up getting into a lot of trouble… She doesn’t edit, but she’s still with us because of my cuteness. .
Let’s start. Get a glass of milk, a good red wine, and mushrooms. Once that’s done, follow me through this story.

That same day of the auction:
A girl was on a boat, traveling towards an island, called Ilha da Fortuna. Exactly, the same island where I am!
Next to her, there was a sheathed sword, but it seemed to speak in this Girl’s mind.
The woman, called Liliana. And the sword, doesn’t have a name, or not one that I know, as apparently she wants only those worthy to know her name.
The reason for the trip to Fortune Island was just for an auction that was going to take place soon. Now, if it were a normal auction, it might not catch her attention, but, she heard that things that belonged to her parents would be auctioned there.
Her parents unfortunately died some time ago, leaving Liliana with only her family uncle. An uncle that I saw who isn’t very good at taking care of himself most of the time… Well, he drinks a lot, and takes part in a lot of bets, which honestly complicates things a bit, I would say.
Back to the story.
As the journey continued, at one point the sword began to get bored apparently, because it began to hit the sea.
And yes, when I say crashing into the sea, I was actually doing that, as if I were trying to kill a person.
In a moment, this sword ended up creating a whirlpool of water, which made the boat move a lot, and almost capsize, taking away many objects that belonged to Liliana.
Luckily, they managed to survive after so much confusion, but when they least expected it… Kobolds in sight!
Liliana tried to talk to them as they approached her boat, appearing not to want to talk. Then, a battle began.
The sword somehow entered a different style, releasing lightning with each strike it made. She really beat those Kobolds up a lot, showing them their place. Unfortunately, along with the victory of a battle came some disasters…
The boat was turned almost upside down, throwing the 3 Kobolds into the sea, along with some of Liliana’s items. Luckily she managed to save a few things here and there, in addition to being attacked a lot, and getting pretty dirty because of it.
Finally, she arrived at the island, with her boat, as I may say, badly destroyed.
After finding out where the auction would take place, she went to take a swim in the sea first, to make herself a little more presentable. In the end, it was a very important auction for her.

About that:

A young boy was having drinks in a tavern,looking depressed
A girl appears in front of his desk, talking to him about how low he is, trying to cheer him up.
"You need to stop drinking all day Fives." The girl with red hair, called Sara, speaks to the boy also with red hair.
"Leave me Sara." He says, drinking another glass of beer.
"White Duck’s death also shook me, but drowning in drinks is not a way to honor him." She says.
"I have decided to take revenge on whoever killed him, I will not forgive." He says, slamming the glass on the table.
"I can’t deny that I would also love to get revenge on the bastard who did this. But please, don’t drink nonstop. That way you’ll never be able to make that dream come true." She says, leaving there.
"Tomorrow I’ll stop drinking." He says.
"Hey Sara"
"Yes, Fives?" She says, turning to face the red-haired boy.
"I’m going to make White Duck proud." He smiled.
The girl smiles and walks away, going to serve more drinks to the other customers.

A few minutes later, a big, strong man arrives at Fives’ table.
"So you’re the guy who wants to take my drunken position?" He says, knocking on the table.
"Who do you think I am that you would dare to do this!"
"Don’t shake the table so much, you’ll spill my beer." Fives says, in a carefree manner.
"Do you happen to want to steal that title from me, boy?" The strong man says.
"I could beat you easily if I wanted to." The redhead says, taking another sip of his drink.
"Then I challenge you to a drinking fight!" The man announces loudly, causing the tavern to fall silent and pay full attention to the two men.
"Umm, did you really dare me?" Fives says, smiling.
"So we have 2 challengers who will compete against each other in a duel until they fall to the ground!" Sara screams
"Place your bets here, and may the best drinker in the tavern win!"
"She likes to make money at my expense…" The red-haired boy thinks, while waiting for the drinks to arrive.
"1…" Sara begins to count, while a huge keg of beer is placed near the two men’s table.
"Eat!" A dagger is thrown into the center of the table, indicating the start of the duel.

A long time later, after 20 glasses of beer for each participant, finally one of the men starts to look very drunk. And this man was, the strong guy.
"One of the challengers already looks like he’s about to fall! Can he take more?" Sara narrated, with amusement in her voice.
The man then falls to the ground, while Fives drinks another full glass.
"And the winner is Fives!" The girl announces, throwing another dagger on the table, indicating the end of the challenge.
"Congratulations, you’re the new drunk!"
The whole tavern applauded, except for some men who appeared to be allies of the strong man.
"Never challenge me. I love drinks, I would never lose that easily." Fives says looking at the man lying on the ground.
"You bastard!" One of the strong man’s allies shouts,heading towards the redhead.
"Idiot…" Fives says while using his stealth, hiding from the boy, and throwing a dagger at him.
The dagger advances with precision, hitting the belt of the strongman’s crazy ally, leaving his pants loose.
Then the pants fall to the floor, making everyone laugh at the pantsless man.
The strong man gets up from the ground, still very dazed from being drunk, and starts fives, or initially trying to walk.
At that moment, time stops. Everything freezes, while the red-haired boy throws his glass of beer towards the strong man…
In a few seconds that seemed like hours, the mug hits his head, putting him in a hat position, causing the tavern to applaud again for a perfect throw and the man falling to the ground.
Then the Red-Haired Girl appears, expelling the men and her boss out of that place, kicking some, pushing others.
"Congratulations Fiives, I knew you would win!" Sara hugged the boy, taking some coins as a sign of congratulations.
"Thanks, but you’re probably saying that because you made a lot of money from betting on me." Fives said, in a drunken, serious voice.
"Hehe, you know I need to earn some money, after all I’m your partner, hehe…" She said, counting the money.
"You’re not going to share some of the money with your partner, are you?" He asks.
"That money?" She says, hiding the money but dropping a coin.
"Like this, thanks" He picks up the gold coin from the floor, laughing.

Moments later, with calm reigning in the tavern, and the afternoon quickly approaching, Fives is talking to Sara.
"You should go to the auction that’s happening soon." Sara says.
"I’m told one of the crew of the man who killed White Duck is going to be there. It’s our chance to get real answers from some idiot in his own crew."
"Auction… Sara, where did you get this information?" Fives asks, with a thoughtful face.
"That’s beside the point. But then, are you coming? It’s our chance." She says, staring at the boy expectantly.
"I might be suspicious of this information, but I have nothing to do and I need more coins for more drinks anyway, so I accept." The redhead says, getting up from his chair.
"Yay! Then I’ll show you the way, let’s go!" Sara gets up too, pulling Fives by his shirt.

And according to my captain Fives and my dear Liliana, that’s how they arrived at the same place (The auction).
There’s still much more. I will tell you how the two met, how it was the confusion you hear that brought us together.
Wait for the next part, and thank you dear audience!


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